Posted in Tools

Bullet Journaling Foray

So while not directly related to my writing I thought I’d post about my foray into using a Bullet Journal for my planner for 2017. For anyone who hasn’t heard of the Bullet Journal it’s a system of planning merged with note taking that can be as free form or structured as the user wants it to be. For more information see the official “Getting Started” page.

Bullet Journal Monthly Pages
Bullet Journal monthly calendar and tasks

After rave reviews of this system from friends that have previously used more generic planners and more detailed ones (like a Passion Planner) I’ve decided to give it a try. This appeals to me as a creative person since you can do as much or as little as you wish as far as drawing and adding details.  The basic system is very bare bones and meant to be fast. Since I am a very visual person, this is not enough but I have seen lot of variants just browsing Pinterest or Google Images.


While many journal users and Instagram posters encourage new journal keepers to keep it simple to start with, I already kind of know what works for me. So rather than keep it black and white like the example to the left, I’ve begun with a bit more color and more structure because I know that I plan better with something more. I am hoping that by using this I’ll be able allow myself to be more creative in my day to day and be able to keep all my things in one place. I’ve found in the past year since I’ve been tracking it that having separate notebooks and lists for everything is not working.

To that end, I have taken a plain sketchbook, I think that I purchased at Barnes & Noble sometime in the past year.  The primary complaint that I heard from people using different notebooks is that the paper was too thin and ink bled through. I theorized that a sketchbook is made to handle more than your average paper so there would be less bleed through. It turns out I was correct, YAY!

Below I’ve put my current pages and maybe there will be more….

Paris Sketch book - cloth cover
Sketchbook cover
bullet journal entries with a few entries
Bullet Journal index with a few entries
Bullet journal monthly layout
Bullet Journal Monthly layout with month projects/tasks areas.
Bullet Journal Weekly Layout
Weekly layout with spaces for tasks, meal planning, and to-do list.
bullet journal with daily pages
Daily pages with a couple of tries at water trackers and blank space for ???

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